2008年5月28日 星期三

Comments on CALL

The best thing about the CALL taken, students have opportunities to communicate with studetns from Japan through the system of online chatting that students will understand more about Japanese culture. Also, students will have an idea how to communicate with others with different cultural background. I think it will be much better that students can have chances to have online chating with people from different countries such as Europe or South American...etc.

2008年4月19日 星期六

Learning the Reading Skills from CALL

In the past when I was studying in the high school, I was taught to learn the reading Skills from the textbook or any writeen material. However, I think it will be very boring for students. Thereofre, CALL is very useful for student to learn the reading skill. That's because it's different feeling between learing from the textbook and learning from the CALL. Therefore, it will be more exciting and enjoyable.

2008年4月17日 星期四

Video Conference

It's very fun experience to interact with students studying in York St. John's in Britian which I learned a lot about different aspects of culture and have an picture about studying in Britan. However, some of them speak English with thick accent which is hard for me to understand. But, I can tell they all speak good English since they have studied there for a long time.

As for the topic for the next video conference, I think it would be better to talk about national holiday. That's because the holidays set by countries have unique meanings and historys or legends which is more fun to hear it.

2008年4月11日 星期五


I would like to choose Hostboard for Mid-term Exam, becuse I think the website is good to use it and suitable for all the language learners no matter where they are placed due to a lot of information useful for learning. Therefore, I would suggest the website to the perosn who really wants to improve their language ability.

2008年4月2日 星期三

Video Studio

I think Mr. Wong is a excellent teacher that students can learn a lot from him. He introduced the how to fuction the Video Studio step by step without rushing through. As a consequence, today I have a clear overview of how the software, work to edit the video. The good thing about his teaching is that he provided enough time for students to practise what he had lecture, which is good for students to review the material. If the time is allowed, I hope we can have more time to listen to his lecture.

2008年4月1日 星期二

Criteria to evaluate the software

It's very important to have the criteria to evaluate the software. As a consequence, the teachers have an idea how to facilitate the students' learning if they want to use software to teach in class. Also, they are aware that how to adjust the activity using the software.

2008年3月26日 星期三

Class about Audio

In my opinion, he is a very good teacher. He explained how to use the software named Audacity clearly which facilitate me to understand more about how Audacity works than before. Also the software is easy to download which I don't need to be concerned with the issue of how to download the voice wanted. I really wish he could teach us more if the time is allowed.

2008年3月17日 星期一

Three questions assigned

Questions for Discussion:
1. What are the three phrases of CALL? What role do computers play in each phrase? Please write down the classification of the use of computer technologies in language learning and teaching : a metaphorical approach by Warschauer.
Behaviorist CALL
The computer works as a tutor to provide the instructional material for students.
For instance, studetns can have the computer used repeat the material so they can review what they have learn.
Communicative CALL
It is used for skill pratice without drill format which encourage students to use the target language naturally on or off teh screen.
Intergative CALL.
It have the studetns interact with others by using Internet or Mutimedia.
2. Visit Warschauer's homepage for his contributions to CALL.

3. On page 18, the author mentions the use of online chat in a NASA space project to enhance communication skills. Please visit http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html and outline the possibilities of using technology to promote collaborative learning and developing communities of learners.
1.Students can learn more about the space from the webiste.
2. After they read the material a lot from the webiste, they have an idea how native speaker express their idea to complete the writing.
3. Students can interact with people with different cultural back to enhance their ability of communication and know how to have a target like talking.

2008年3月7日 星期五

Opinion about CALL

I think CALL is a very good for students who speak English as a second language since students have a lot of opportunity to meet and talk with people around the world that they have chance to practice to enhance their English ability. Also, there are a lot of functions including giving them feedback.

2008年3月4日 星期二

Classroom Management

Question: How to manage a class?
Keyword: Classroom management
Search engine: Google
Remember all students' names in your class

2008年2月26日 星期二

What do I think about the course and expection?

I think the cousre is very diffficult since studetns are supposed to be familiar with the usages of the software to complete the task assigned. Also, I am not good at using computer which is my weakness. However, if I learn something which is what I expect to learn from the course, I will apply it in the future

I hope I can learn how to teach English as a second language using CALL, because it's going to be fun and interesting, which can draw students' attention while the instructor is lecturing.